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Paul Gerben - Rockstar Artist
Paul Gerben is a New York raised contemporary artist with a creative perspective unparalleled to those of his kind. With no medium to be...

The Birth of a World - J. Steven Manolis
The sky was luminous, hazy, and I was standing outside my hotel in Vermillion, South Dakota, looking out onto a landscape so flat that it...

An Artful World Of Beauty & Fantasy Realism
"Fantasy, if it's really convincing, can't become dated, for the simple reason that it represents a flight into a dimension that lies...

A Sure Bet
The Dramatic Works of J. Steven Manolis and His Breakthrough Accomplishments Propel Rising Values in the Art World. In 1821, the...

Matt Neuman: One Step Ahead of the Curve
Matt Neuman is a prodigy. Period. I started watching his work evolve from the moment he set foot in my studio in 2007 in Aspen, CO fresh...

The Greatest Show: Miami's Art Week, Art Basel
Art Basel Miami is a week full of art hopping around the colorful oceanside city of Miami. It has been called a moveable feast and other...

Art and Soul: Artist, Chris Martin’s Fearless Exploration through Painting
How to be an accessible nonconformist? Simply mimic the mantras and actions of Chris Martin. If only that were a feasible task for the innoc

Sharp Edge Beauty
As we decorate a new home or revive an old one, there is always that blank wall screaming for a centerpiece that will draw in admiration and

Celebrate Art with Laguna Art-A-Fair
Nestled in beautiful Laguna Canyon, the Laguna Art-A-Fair is one of the premier fine arts summer destinations in Southern California and...

Meteoric Rise of a Young Master
Enter the colorful world of Elena Bulatova and make no mistake about this remarkable young artist: she is one of the fastest rising stars...
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