5 Special Privileges The Rich And Famous Enjoy From The Courts
You've probably heard the popular saying that "no one is above the law." But did you know that wealthy people play by different rules? When you acquire a certain level of wealth and fame, people stop treating you like the average person. Everything about your life, including your dealings with the courts when you commit a crime, will change. Let's discuss some special privileges the rich and famous enjoy that average people do not.
Lighter Sentences And Fines
Wealthy and famous defendants get lighter sentences and fines than everyone else. Do you remember when Paris Hilton was sentenced to only 45 days in jail for a DUI in 2007? As if the sentence wasn't light enough, she served only half that time. Having an experienced Lawyer for Drunk Driving Defense in Peoria will increase the average person's chances of getting a lighter sentence. However, there is no denying that rich and famous people usually enjoy lighter sentences.
Private Courtrooms And Special Accommodations
Did you know that high-net-worth people and celebrities often get access to private courtrooms during trials? Even when the charges are terrible, many still get this special treatment. When Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking charges finally caught up with him, he was arraigned in a private courtroom. Rich people also get unique accommodations in private prisons besides private courtrooms. These accommodations usually come with everything they need to live comfortably and, in some cases, conduct business. Their freedom is the only thing they don't have in cases like this.
Sealed Records And Confidentiality Agreements
Many wealthy people get the courts to seal their criminal records and children's records. They also get into a confidentiality agreement that protects their name and privacy from the public. For example, a lawyer may argue that their client, the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company, needs confidentiality to protect his company. They may claim that the news of a CEO being involved in a criminal scandal will affect the company and the lives of several employees. So, you see, they enjoy more than the luxury lifestyle.
Special Treatment In Jail Or Prison
This one is obvious, but most rich and famous people get special treatment when they eventually get sentenced to jail. They are hardly ever sent to maximum-security prisons and get to enjoy special privileges in minimum-security prisons. For example, when Felicity Huffman paid $15,000 to secure college admissions for her eldest daughter in 2019, she got sent to a minimum-security prison, where she enjoyed many privileges. She was also allegedly allowed to keep her hair extensions and many other items the average prisoner could not keep.
Access To High-Powered Attorneys
Because of the wealth they have, rich and famous people can pay the best lawyers in the world to represent them. These attorneys aren't just experienced and great with defense; they also have deep connections within the criminal justice system. They can use their connections to help clients get the best deals, even during serious cases.
Everyone deserves a fair trial, and the law promises to treat every alleged criminal equally; the reality is different. The rich and famous will always continue to get special treatment.