7 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy
Most people will probably admit they could use a boost to function throughout the day. There’s a reason that so many people rely on coffee and energy drinks 24/7. In fact, a Gallup survey reported that 14% of Americans don’t have enough energy. Luckily, there are many things one can do in order to boost their energy.
Here are some fatigue-fighting tips which can leave you revitalized and refreshed.
1. Reduce Your Stress
Emotions induced by stress use up a lot of energy. You can diffuse stress by seeing a psychotherapist, joining a support group or talking with a relative or friends. You can also consider relaxation therapies such as tai chi, yoga, self-hypnosis or meditation.
2. Keep Your Hormones in Balance
For women, when your hormones are out of balance, it could result in your energy levels being negatively impacted. So it’s important to make sure you take steps to keep your hormones in check by doing things such as eating enough protein, engaging in exercise and taking care of your gut health.
Additionally, fatigue is a known side effect of hormonal birth control methods. So, if you’re looking to boost your energy, you may wish to use alternative birth control methods.
Plus, by using alternative methods of birth control, you can avoid the health risks of injectable birth control methods like Depo-Provera.
3. Eat Breakfast
Those who eat breakfast in the morning are less stressed and fatigued than those who skip breakfast. The energy and fullness you’ll get from high-fiber food such as oatmeal will last longer than the energy and fullness you’ll get from pastries or sweet rolls. As your day progresses, the high fiber foods you ate at breakfast will stop you from growing hungry, and hunger can cause low energy.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Your smartphone needs to be recharged in order to keep going for days, right? Your body is the same. Getting sleep consistently lets your body rebuild supplies of energy which get depleted as the day goes on.
Adults usually need seven to eight hours of sleep per night for optimal energy and health.
15 to 20 minute power naps can energize you, as well. If you doze off for longer than this during a day, though, this can leave you tired rather than refreshed after you wake up.
5. Exercise
Exercise will almost assuredly improve the quality of your sleep. It also circulates oxygen and provides your cells with energy to burn.
Exercise can increase the levels of dopamine in your brain. This helps to elevate your mood.
Increase your pace here and there while you walk to obtain extra health benefits. Additionally, exercise is a great way to regulate your weight, which has a host of benefits in and of itself. Exercising and eating well are the best ways to lose weight, as diet supplements such as Ozempic can cause dangerous and potentially fatal side effects.
6. Drink Water
Dehydration can lead to fatigue. You don’t have to drink eight glasses per day. However, you’ll want to drink an amount of water which keeps your body hydrated. You’ll know you’re hydrated well if you’re not thirsty and you have light-colored urine. Try to refill at the water cooler or fridge every few hours. Walking there will also help you to wake up. Staying hydrated is one of the best lifestyle choices you can make for overall wellness.
7. Pick the Proper Carbs
Carbs give your body fuel. Different carbs give you power-ups which last different amounts of time, though.
Simple carbs which are highly refined, such as sweets, pasta and bread, definitely spike your energy by raising your blood sugar level. However, it’s a quick rise that gets followed quickly by a crash which can leave you ready to nap.
Complex carbs, though, digest slowly, providing steady energy for longer time periods. This helps you conquer your day.
Complex carbs include:
Brown rice
Being mindful of what you eat can be the first step toward living a more energized and balanced life.