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Angeli Coover Fine Art - Passion & Pastels

Growing up in Colorado with the majestic Rocky Mountains in our backyard was incredibly inspiring to me. I was raised on my family’s vegetable farm, and as an artist, I greatly benefited from the colorful array of vegetables in the fields, and the beautiful flowers that grew in my grandmother’s garden. I loved watering them, with her by my side. I continue to have fresh flowers in my home to paint and enjoy, no matter the season.

I remember following my dad into the fields when he irrigated the crops. He had his shovel, and I had a stick to draw people, houses, and flowers on the dry, sandy ditch banks. Watching seedlings burst forth from the earth and mature into prized produce was nothing less than a miracle. My favorite pastel in my painting tray is called ‘eggplant’, a deep purple, and you will notice this deep rich color in most of my paintings.

My studio is surrounded with large windows and trays full of colorful pastels. The space is warm, cozy, inspiring, and all the things that make me want to create. My mood and feelings are expressed through color. Red paintings make me feel like a ‘lady boss’! I am feeling in charge, excited and liberated. I am usually listening to the Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, or something cool from the 80’s. I love painting big bold poppies.

My dad would often tell me and my sister that everyone has a gift and a purpose. No matter how outlandish your dream may seem to others, you can do and be anything you choose to be. I have taken my dear old dad’s advice. I finally bid farewell to a long career in advertising and marketing in the corporate world and have chosen faith over fear to become a full-time artist.

Currently, my husband Todd, and my studio assistant Gracie (the golden) live in a small community in northeastern Wyoming. My paintings are in galleries in the Black Hills region of Wyoming and South Dakota.

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