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International Defense K9 - Elite Protection K9s

Written by Otto Sturm

Being the CEO of International Defense K9’s “IDK9” has been one of the most rewarding positions I have had the pleasure of being in. Within our company we have designed the ultimate intrusion prevention system using highly trained dogs to provide not only family companionship, but also the ultimate safety.

There are many stories from clients that we have had the pleasure and heartbreak of hearing. We wanted to share some of those personal stories with you, so you can fully understand the life changing services our dogs have offered our clients. We share these stories not to impress you or upset you, but make an impression of what our trained dogs in our intrusion prevention system are capable of providing in case you or your family was faced with the most unthinkable situation.

In a violent encounter, the first 10 seconds often determines the outcome of the scenario. Nobody purposely invites violence to their home. In a place that is most sacred, where your family and children and hard earned personal assets are stored, protecting our valuables is important. Those individuals bringing violence to your home, are often well thought out individuals who are prepared to do whatever it takes to obtain your valuables.

The best possible offense for this scenario is obviously critically important. In a University of North Carolina at Charlotte a study surveyed 422 convicted burglars, 50% of burglars admitted that loud barking dogs keep them away. The US Department of Justice reports that burglarized house are less likely to have dogs, than non-burglarized houses, suggesting that dog ownership is a substantial detergent. Studies conducted over the past years from the UDJ, shows a clear pattern that dogs do in fact deter burglars. Our dogs, with the level of training and appearance, are the perfect deterrent for those considering bringing violence to your house.

Over the past few years, with the defunding of police and public officials encouraging civilians to arm themselves, a fully trained family protection dog is exactly what our clients are after. Our dogs are the equalizer in the first 10 seconds of an encounter. The dogs allow you those crucial seconds to gain better control of the situation and obtain any self-defense items necessary to protect your assets and family members. Our trained protection dogs will absolutely take the control of the situation away from the aggressors you find yourself faced with.

There are a few cases we feel are important to go over. We really want you to understand the importance of having one of our dogs to potentially stop and drastically change the outcome of a violent attack. (Warning: graphic story).

On November 10, 2015, Amanda Blackburn,a pregnant pastor’s wife, was at home with her 15 month old son, while her husband was out exercising. A group of three men spent the morning burglarizing houses. When they arrived at Amanda’s home, they entered through an unlocked door, and 18 year old Larry Taylor shot Amanda three times Her husband returned home to find Amanda who had been three months pregnant. She and her unborn child passed away two days after the horrendous event.

Stories like this haunt us and make us so passionate about providing dogs to families who truly need them. I often reflect on Amanda’s case and wish she would have been one of our clients. The sad truth is there’s many stories like this out there, and we don’t want anyone to be the next unfortunate victim. We have another case with a very different outcome with a family that had purchased two of our International Defense K9’s.

A successful family who owned several jewelry stores in St. Louis, had seen an increase in robberies in their area. They purchased two dogs to travel with the owners to their multiple stores. Gizmo and Rex were selected from the top 1% of working German Shepherds in the world, and passed all of our health screening and training. These two dogs were to protect the owners in the store and the valuables in the store.

On February 1, 2018 at 10:30am, two masked men with AK-47’s ran in and smashed the display case at one of the jewelry stores. Within seconds Gizmo took action and proceeded to bite the robber in the chest. One of the assailants shot Gizmo with a 7.62 round and Gizmo continued to protect his family and the store by reengaging the subject, and bit him in the bicep. The dog biting the subject and reengaging made the assailants flee the store. The dog not only stopped the family from losing tons of assets, but also by saved the lives of those working that day.

Our mission is to keep people safe with our elite K9’s, and we have plenty of stories to share of our dogs coming to the aide of their owners. The most important thing to understand about adding a personal protection K9 into your home is that they MUST be good and safe in pubic. Your dog is no good if it is so unpredictable around people that you have to keep them kenneled. All of our dogs must be clear headed and confident in their temperament, so they are able to faithfully distinguish what a real threat is, and who the new babysitter is.

We offer a wide variety of breeds to choose from, which is another one of IDK9’s distinguishing traits. We will not pigeonhole you into a Belgian Malinois or German Shepherd if you don’t want that breed. If you do, we have access to the top 1% of dogs in the world. A lot of our clients seek us out because we offer exotic breeds. Our most popular exotic breeds are: Presa Canario, Dogo Argentino, American Pitbull/Staffordshire Terrier, Dobermans, Giant Schnauzers, Rottweiler, and many other specialized breeds. We are the Number 1 seller of exotic personal protection dogs. We have three tiers of training packages that we offer. Some clients require bomb detection capabilities, some clients want their dogs to be able to search and clear a house of assailants when arriving home, and all our clients want a sound and clear-headed dog that is safe around their children and safe to take with them when traveling. Please give us a call or text at (314) 281-9003 to learn more about all 3 tiers of training packages, and what dogs are currently available. We look forward to answering any questions you have and helping you through the selection process of an amazing companion that will protect you with their life.

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